139 Monthly Meetings: August

August 1: District D (Appleton)

August 3: District C (Altoona)  **American Legion Post 139 Membership Meeting – 5:30 p.m.

August 7: District B (Madison)

August 9: District A (Pewaukee)

All meetings begin at 7:00 pm.

For a full list of Local 139 events and member meetings and to add them directly to your calendar, visit the “Events” page on our website:  IUOE Local 139 Events

  • Meet other members
  • Get 139 updates
  • Cheer on new members as they are sworn in
  • Raffle prizes
  • Ask questions
  • Vote on proposed changes.

All Local 139 members are encouraged to attend monthly meetings at their local district hall, as well as the quarterly General Membership meetings held at one of the 4 district halls. Make your voice heard. Attend your monthly meetings.

