Last Re-Registration for 2017 OOW Book!
Re-register today! Use the new Local 139 Member Portal to update your out-of-work status before this Sunday, November 5th. You won’t have to re-register again until April of 2018.
For those of you that are new to the process of re-registering, re-registration is required April through November if you are out of work. This is accomplished by calling the dispatch office or registering through the member portal between the 1st and the 5th of the month.
The portal can also be used to report your return to work. Kindly, enter the name of your employer when you do so.
Using the member portal does not negate the members responsibility to conform to any and all other rules in the Non-Discriminatory Referral Procedures for International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 139 Non-Exclusive Referral System. (Revised April 9, 2011)