Local 139er Attends State of the Union
The need for new infrastructure and jobs was top of mind for this young 13-year member, and District-D Executive Board Member of IUOE Local 139 when he attended President Trump’s State of the Union address last night. The President announced a $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill “leveraged by partnering with state and local governments and, where appropriate, tapping into private sector investment.”
Local 139 was honored that one of our members was able to be present for an announcement important to our industry. Labor and unions deserve a place at the table for local, state and national politics and policy.
If you are on Twitter you may have seen this tweet from Senator Baldwin before the address:
“Showed Avery around the Capitol a bit before the speech! Thank you for joining me at
#SOTUand thank you for your hard work building roads, bridges & water lines in Wisconsin. I’ll keep fighting to ensure Washington does right by the
#MadeinWI workers moving our state#Forward“